Treated conditions

Here are a few examples of conditions I treat. Of course, this list is not comprehensive. For more details, please contact me.

Head & Neck

In addition to being painful, head and neck conditions can decrease your concentration and affect your mood. Chiropractic complemented by the Applied Kinesiology (AK) approach not only allows me to identify local causes, but also to identify distal causes for this type of pain. For example, it is common that an unstable clavicle results in neck pain and even headaches.

  • Headaches, migraines and neuralgia
  • Recurrent ear pain
  • Stiff neck, torticollis, “heavy head”
  • Text neck syndrome
  • Jaw pain
  • Vertigo and dizziness
  • Orthodontic treatment support

Upper & Lower Back

Pain near the center of gravity is felt in almost all daily movements and can even wake you up at night. By carefully testing the musculature and recommending appropriate exercises, I can often relieve my patients quickly.

  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Rib and axillary pain
  • Certain disc herniations
  • Vertebral articular pain (facet syndrome)
  • Sciatica, pyriformis syndrome
  • Low back pain, lumbar sprain

Regarding the following conditions affecting limbs, such as a shoulder problem, carpal tunnel syndrome or sciatica, I always test my patients with gravity i.e. in the sitting position. This allows me to interpret the result of my muscle tests based on different head and trunk positions. It is common that a test tells me that a problem in one limb is caused by a nerve compressed at the level of the spine. Muscle tests are also very helpful for identifying the source of the numbness. It is often caused by a nerve compressed at several places along its path.


Hip & Gluteal Area

  • Hip bursitis
  • Ilio-tibial band syndrome
  • Groin and buttock pain



  • Tendinitis, bursitis, capsulitis
  • Impingement syndrome



  • Epicondylitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Finger numbness



  • Knee cap pain
  • Thigh pain
  • Shin splint pain
  • Sprained or unstable ankle
  • Pain under the foot (plantar fasciitis)
  • Heel pain
  • Toe numbness

Organic Dysfunction Examples

  • Fatigue
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Pregnancy/delivery related pain

My mission is to treat my patients how I would like myself to be treated. I strive for maximum patient satisfaction so that every referral is well-earned.